Thermal Imaging Inspections

Thermal imaging is a very important part of our home inspections. Through thermal imaging we are able to find things that other inspectors may miss. Through the use of thermal imaging, we are able to show our clients important aspects of their home. These can show important issues and needed improvements that you would want to know about. We can show where insulation may be missing, animals may be hiding, problems with the heating unit, and many other issues. One of the most important parts of having a thermal imaging scan of your home is to find leaks. As water leaks, it may not show up to the naked eye. But thermal imaging makes detecting many of these hidden leaks possible. Thermal imaging can’t see through walls, but the temperature differential that it detects can show critical issues that may otherwise go unseen. So if you want the latest in technology to hep you get the best home inspection possible, be sure to hire us!